Recital Scheme

What is the Recital Scheme?

How it works

During the auditions in the Spring, the Trustees select outstanding performers from amongst their award winners to join the Recital Scheme. In September details of the chosen artists are made available to the clubs and societies who are members of the Recital Scheme. The club or society can then contact the artist directly to arrange a booking for a recital or concerto performance for which the Trust pays the artist’s fees.

The benefits of the Scheme are twofold: not only does it provide young musicians with experience of the professional platform and exposure to audiences throughout the country, but the music clubs themselves also benefit from introductions to talented young musicians and the subsidy that the Trust provides. Over 200 music clubs and societies are members of the Scheme, throughout the UK.

If you would like more information about the Recital Scheme, please contact us on

What is the Recital Scheme?